Frecuencias Rurales en 60 hz /// Residencia Pujinostro ///

...During our stay, we played a concert in the garden of Pujinostro, see also this link for an impression. Besides that event, we had several jam- sessions in Pujinostro’s sound studio, a refuge build by Kiko Jácome. And we had the time to edit a track, entitled ‘Acoustic reflections of one voice in a church (live recording)’. Its material was generated during a site-specific research in the Sankt Gertrud church, Cologne,Germany, during a residency at Raumklänge – Ortsbezogene Musik in July 2015. This new track is part of ‘audio-DH sonic manifestations by 250 creators from Den Haag / The Hague Project’ initiated by Francisco López...Written by Janneke van der Putten, in the context of the presentations and tour of ‘Invisible Architecture’ in Peru and Ecuador, a project by Christian Galarreta and Janneke van der Putten, March 2016. VIDEO Frecuencias Rurales en 60 hz /// Residencia Pujinostro ///ARQUITECTURAS INVISIBLES /// HONDONADA /// FUNERALES CRISALIDAS /// DETONADOR ///


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